
Our First In-person Webflow Meetup

A few weeks ago, we hosted our first in-person Webflow Meetup for 2023, and it exceeded all our expectations. As we took the reins for this year, the turnout was fantastic, bringing together a diverse group of individuals, including newcomers to the no-code world and seasoned Webflow experts. The experience of connecting in person and finally putting faces to the names we've encountered online was genuinely remarkable. It's these moments that make our community so special.

Meeting Face to Face

One of the most rewarding aspects of our meetup was meeting our community members face-to-face. In a digital world, real-life connections are invaluable. Our guest speaker, Dylan Brits, added tremendous value by sharing insights on optimizing landing pages for better conversion rates. It was a talk that resonated with everyone, including myself, as it reminded me of the Growth-Driven Design methodology I learned during my time at an Inbound Marketing agency. The idea that a website is a dynamic document that can continuously be improved through data analysis struck a chord with many of us.

The Icebreaker Experience

Another highlight of the evening was the icebreaker exercise led by Brandon. He pulled out a stack of cards, and it was evident that they held a special place in his heart, having received them from a mentor. The icebreaker involved each of us selecting a card with a word on it. We then had a few seconds to share our chosen word, its significance, and how to apply it daily.

I selected the word "Happiness." At first, I hesitated, wondering if this word truly represented my current state, given the challenges often accompanying the entrepreneurial journey. But as I reflected on why we organize these meetups, I was reminded of our podcasting venture.

Several months back, Brandon and I questioned whether anyone was listening to our podcast. It wasn't until an online Webflow Meetup attendee who had been a regular participant shared how valuable our podcast was to him that we realized its impact. His words brought genuine joy to my heart because they showed that our content was making a positive difference in someone's life and contributing to the empowerment of our South African community.

A Special Gathering

This meetup held a special place in my heart because it brought together individuals we usually interact with only through screens. Witnessing this group of people passionately discussing Webflow and the broader no-code space filled me with immense joy and happiness. It served as a reminder that real connections are essential even in the digital age.

To all those who may be feeling discouraged or on the verge of giving up, I want to convey a simple message:

  1. Don't give up.
  2. Reflect on the time and effort you've dedicated to reaching this point in your journey.
  3. Share your experiences with others so that they can learn from you.
  4. Find your happy place amidst the challenges.

Capturing Memories

Marlon from Ben Black Photography immortalized some unforgettable moments from the event. Below, you'll find just a glimpse of these moments, but we invite you to explore the rest on our Instagram page.

Gratitude to Sponsors

Finally, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to our incredible sponsors whose support turned this meetup into a resounding success:

Webflow, Webstreet, 59er Digital Team, Ben Black Photography, Pizza Vesuvio

Your generosity and commitment to our community are deeply appreciated. You made this event possible, and we look forward to more meetups that continue to strengthen our bonds and knowledge within the Webflow community. Together, we'll keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the no-code world.

The Top 10 Marketing Challenges for SaaS Companies

How to Overcome Common Roadblocks and Achieve Growth.

The Top 10 Marketing Challenges for SaaS Companies
Robert Smart
Founder & Strategist

Robert is the founder of 59er Digital. From Cape Town, he crafts digital magic for diverse businesses. With 17+ years in the game, he's lately all about Growth-Driven Design—turning pixels into success stories. Off-screen, he treasures family, books, and is nailing trumpet serenades.

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